Cosa nostra
Last night I had dinner with some Italian friends... although few were missing due to different reasons, it's been a very pleasant eve... It was only 4 of us, but nice and neat time together... Started off with me arriving at Gio's... the guy is cool... he showed me some of his videos... he just fix his videocamera on the helmet, and films... he showed me his videos from the heli-ski... being air-lifted with a helicopter and going down in immaculate snow with his snowboard... beautiful... or videos of his skydiving, also EXTREMELY cool... he didn't show me anything of his diving experiences, I guess just because he doesn't have a waterproof equipment for that... oh, did I mention that he is also a commercial pilot? The guy is definitely multi-task oriented, including leaving early from work... :P
Then Clauds arrived... she is always full of S**T, and she is fun for that... plenty stories, plenty trips here and there... she is fun to be around, as soon as she opens her mouth, you know you can expect the unexpectable... and her clothing style is very much a funny subject to pick up at any given moment... but, watch out for your beers, or there would be none left... :) she is really good at distracting you while she empties the fridge...
Then, after work, Ste arrived... his definition of himself last night was a pedantic logorroic person... right he is, but outside work either he can say interesting things, or you simply ignore him and will die down :) anyway, yesterday he was more of the first....
Anyway, simple eve, nice Risotto with mushrooms Parma's style... was really good ... then an evening of italian chat, it doesn't happen too often to me, I hardly ever speak in my mother language... Clauds tried to convince everyone to pick up sailing, I guess she did a good job in that... well, Ste had a course financed by the Navy and I believe he is licensed, Gio knew a lot of s**t so I guess he did something too already, and Clauds is just back from Greece where she did follow a course... the only one who knows jack about it, guess who? Anyway, I'm pretty sure Gio will pick it up just to keep up with his multitasking, multitalent personality... after that, we checked out some funnies on YouTube, like Borat and AliG, always classics... finally, at the end of the eve, UPS was so kind to deliver Gio's misled luggage at around 10pm, when they told him repeatedly they would deliver it between 4pm and 6pm... it took ONLY 4 days for Germanwings to track down his lost bag and deliver it... lesson learned? Avoid UPS and Germanwings for as much as humanly possible! Needless to say, all his stockpile of Italian food was so disgustingly ...ehm... rotten... that was nasty... :)
So after picking on each other for few hours, having a couple of drinks, Clauds being mean to Gio's (girl)friend on MSN and having a laugh, everyone headed home for some rest... till next time, CIAO!
Then Clauds arrived... she is always full of S**T, and she is fun for that... plenty stories, plenty trips here and there... she is fun to be around, as soon as she opens her mouth, you know you can expect the unexpectable... and her clothing style is very much a funny subject to pick up at any given moment... but, watch out for your beers, or there would be none left... :) she is really good at distracting you while she empties the fridge...
Then, after work, Ste arrived... his definition of himself last night was a pedantic logorroic person... right he is, but outside work either he can say interesting things, or you simply ignore him and will die down :) anyway, yesterday he was more of the first....
Anyway, simple eve, nice Risotto with mushrooms Parma's style... was really good ... then an evening of italian chat, it doesn't happen too often to me, I hardly ever speak in my mother language... Clauds tried to convince everyone to pick up sailing, I guess she did a good job in that... well, Ste had a course financed by the Navy and I believe he is licensed, Gio knew a lot of s**t so I guess he did something too already, and Clauds is just back from Greece where she did follow a course... the only one who knows jack about it, guess who? Anyway, I'm pretty sure Gio will pick it up just to keep up with his multitasking, multitalent personality... after that, we checked out some funnies on YouTube, like Borat and AliG, always classics... finally, at the end of the eve, UPS was so kind to deliver Gio's misled luggage at around 10pm, when they told him repeatedly they would deliver it between 4pm and 6pm... it took ONLY 4 days for Germanwings to track down his lost bag and deliver it... lesson learned? Avoid UPS and Germanwings for as much as humanly possible! Needless to say, all his stockpile of Italian food was so disgustingly ...ehm... rotten... that was nasty... :)
So after picking on each other for few hours, having a couple of drinks, Clauds being mean to Gio's (girl)friend on MSN and having a laugh, everyone headed home for some rest... till next time, CIAO!

Sounds like fun !!!
....a quando la prossima cena?!?!?...perĂ² la famo a casa tua.......
(....when are we doing the next one?!?!?but this time at your place....)
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