Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Finally online

Hi everyone!

Finally online, after so much wandering about, delaying and finding any type of excuse to postpone... now I have committed, no way back!

I just got an SMS from my slovenian brother Tadej, to remind me I am an EGG... what's an egg? An egg is simply a western guy with an asian soul...white on the outside, but yellow inside!! Well, this is me... feels home being in Asia, put me anywhere between India and Japan, and I will find my niche... of course there are places I love more, or places I haven't been yet... North Korea comes to mind, I wonder why... I will get there soon, I hope...
Anyway, you have to be at least once in Asia to come to appreciate it, to love it... unless you are Tadej! Joking bro! But I remember when you left for Hong Kong, I remember your words... nothing pleased you there, but even you, as negative as you were about Asia, changed your mind about it... living there for nearly 5 years made you come to your senses...

As for me, I never had doubts... I will tell later in more details about all I have to share about Asia... but one advise, go there! Live it, love it...



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