Friday, December 15, 2006

Shouldn't they set the example?

Back again, with news from around the world... this time, I would like to focus a bit on controversial people, and their actions...

So here we go...

Fidel Castro... he's been sick for a long time now, and he hasn't been on TV or able to attend even the celebrations for his own birthday...
COMMENT: How is it that makes it so hard to give up power that you anyway maintained with a dictatorship? Come on, you only have one life, I'm sure if you look around you will find better things to do than having a 50 years stand off with USA... knock it off... and give democracy a chance before you go to hell...

Augusto Pinochet... after splitting his country in two when he was alive with a repressive and murderous policy, he split the country in two when he died...
COMMENT: he was a pig when he was alive, so that makes it pork now... right? He had a good ally in UK, always backing him up... first with the "illustrious" Margareth Thatcher, who defined him as a friend (hey, everyone wants friends like him!) for his help during the Falklands war (or should I call them Malvinas??), and recently in "even better than illustrious" Tony Blair, when wanted by Spain, they didn't detain him and allowed him to return to Chile... his victims, first and foremost Salvador Allende, but also the thousands of murdered, never had justice, but since there is a justice, he is already burning in hell waiting for Castro to join any time soon...

Ehud Olmert.... he finally admitted Israel has nukes... he tried to say he meant something different and back up, but you know, too late... it was known anyway...
COMMENT: it was known anyway, you can play the world for fool, but you really think it's fool? So, now, how do you deny Iran a nuke when you have it yourself?? Difficult position to defend, mr. Prime Minister... ooops

George W. Bush... on nuke related matters, six parties talks on N. Korea nuclear program are set to resume soon... but for now, N. Korea has set a list of pre-requisites that are threatening to halt once again the talks.
COMMENT: Aren't the USA the only country that ever used the nuke anyway? So how, again, can you deny someone else to have it when you keep your stockpile and are a threat for them? Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending neither Iran nor N. Korea, but if you try to tell me the USA is a democracy and the other two are a danger for the world, try again... Isn't George W. the one who openly LIED to the entire world about WMD in Iraq? Isn't he the same who, with the help of his brother Jeb, didn't allow a recount of votes in Florida which would have probably have given victory to democrat Al Gore? Aren't the USA the same country that financed Chile's bloody coup to put Pinochet in power and that costed thousands of lives just to prevent a country's comunist, but DEMOCRATICLY elected, president to be in office? Aren't the US who keep detainees without a fair trial in Guantanamo? And what the hell are they doing in Guantanamo anyway, isn't that on Cuban soil?Do I really have to continue my list of un-democratic, above the law actions?? And how come Clinton gets impeached for a blow job, which is his and his wife's problem, and W. doesn't get impeached after lying to the whole world? Pinochet and Castro, make some space....

Kim Jung Il... N. Korea president, determined to defy the world and continuing his nuclear program... very "sensitive" and touchy person, easily offended, likes luxury while his people starve so much that the luxury blockade imposed by the western countries plus Japan is now at the center of talks BEFORE the nuke talks may resume...
COMMENT: There is never enough space in hell for Il and all his affiliates... I hope they tumble sooner rather than later, they are the worst kind of people...

Tony Blair... he backed up W. in his fake war for WMD in Iraq, and it's getting more and more controversial at home, where it seems that every step he takes, he craps...
COMMENT: Mr. Blair, lying to the world after all isn't such a great idea, so why doing it? And you had to keep lying to cover up your previous lies... You were the people's choice, now you are the people's choice to go... so go...

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, continuing to deny the Holocaust and continuing to rediculize the world and its attempts to put a halt to Iran's nuclear program...
COMMENT: enough playing the world for fool, enough denying such a tragedy, enough changing day in and day out conditions to never achieve an agreement and stop the nuke program, enough using the "wiping out" expression... and enough using religion as a shield for your actions... leave God alone, He doesn't want to be named by you... not in these contexts...

Middle East pepole vs China/India... China and India have been arguing over border disputes for-basically-ever (what a surprise, they never do that), but last month they put aside their differencies and signed some economic agreements that put together the workforce of the two most populated and fastest developing countries, slowly but surely changing the economic geo-politics of our world...

COMMENT: if only all the people in the Middle East paid attention to that...

Hu Jintao and Hu Haifeng... President Hu is so keen in showing how well China is developing, and how well its comunist system works... how it can be an example for the world...

COMMENT: but how come that Chinese people are so much double faced? In one way they care so much of "losing face" and behave so that you like what you see... on the other, they are one of the most corrupted people in the world, they use State funds to finance lovers and red light parties, and their lavish life style and now, somehow, President Hu awarded his son's company a contract in the excess of 300 million dollars to install security machinary in every Chinese airport... what a coincidence, if you ask me... call it as it pleases you, comunism, capitalism, democracy... power and money appeal to everyone up there, so please stop pretending... you are all a buch of corrupted scumbags...

Valdimir Putin, former KGB Colonel, President of USSR...

COMMENT: well, he is the President of Russia, but the way he disposes of everyone who disagree with his politics is just so USSR-style... and all the major posts in political and economical institutions are manned by his friends, there is very little of democratic in his actions... including praising the Israeli President for being "a man" since having been accused of raping more than 10 women... how low can you get?

As the great Louis Armstrong used to sing, what a wonderful world....


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